Credit Bureau

Reengineering Existing Scorecards for Covid 19 Economic Crisis

The StubbsGazette corporate scorecards are based on data we gather from:

  • Company filings
  • Court and other publically available records
  • Media
  • Collection Agencies
  • Suppliers
Historically, the current pass mark enabled Stubbs to identify over 80% of all corporate failures from the bottom 20% of scores and already we know that this scorecard pass mark has increased significantly since the pandemic outbreak and we have readjusted our scorecards and algorithms accordingly. These by their very nature are extremely flexible and constantly change as economic circumstances dictate in this extremely volatile environment.

The credit score, essentially measures financial resilience and regardless of the business sector a firm operates in, it will be the most financially resilient that will last longest, and the financially flimsy that will fail first. If a company’s gearing was on the high side and liquidity was poor when everything was good, it is going to be overly leveraged and liquidity will have gone critical in the post pandemic world, and this is the kind of thing that is reflected in the new scorecards.

Alongside this we are developing a dual Covid 19 Industry Score taking into consideration all the factors described above and expanding our datasets to include CSO and other reliable sources.


Keep an eye on your existing customers financial health by accessing the most comprehensive credit checking facility on the market.

Minimise the risk and make smart credit decisions. Access CRO documents, judgments, disqualified/restricted directors, bankruptcies, personal insolvencies

Anti-Money laundering checks can be incorporated alongside your regular StubbsGazette checks to include adverse media, PEP and other enforcement and sanctions to complete Enhanced Customer Due Diligence requirements your company may need.


 Debt Recovery

StubbsGazette handle debt management for your company so that you can place more focus on daily operations leaving the worry over customers not paying you to the experts. Providing successful mediation, dispute resolution and instalment planning to ensure successful debt recovery.

More often than not we can avoid the last resort of going to court. We can liaise with your debtor regarding your disputed debt and come to a solution!


 Demand Letters

If your customers are ignoring your requests for payment then it may be time to send a Demand Letter from StubbsGazette. Getting a letter from a StubbsGazette is enough to persuade most people into paying pretty quickly.

Increase payments on overdue accounts and reduce your debtor days by leveraging the StubbsGazette brand.


 Treatment Plans

StubbsGazette offer an incredible Automated Treatment service for our clients to get the best chance of getting a response from debtors. We have made the process of treating debts more efficient by building a platform that automates and manages debts for you.

A course of action is automatically scheduled over a period so you can free up time and resources.



Explore our compliance solutions which cut through the complexity of your regulatory requirements. Our Enhanced Due Diligence checks allow you to meet the legal requirements  while detecting, reporting and analysing money laundering activities. Compliance with AML, KYC and sanction requirements continue to be a key focus area for management and firms must ensure they are following appropriate compliance procedures to meet increasing regulatory demands.





Local Knowledge Advantage

As most Credit Unions are community based, you will have a very good local knowledge of the special conditions pertaining to the community and the particular circumstances of your credit union. Unfortunately your local knowledge is not replicated on many of the PEP Matching and Screening services that are available in Ireland, resulting in poor matching and far too many false positives.

Existing solutions generate significant and unnecessary amounts of false positives which escalate the need for additional trained staff to process and investigate, pushing up the cost of compliance.

In addition to this, the lack of comprehensive and accurate local data hampers and limits your ability to positively identify and match members who could be considered as higher risks.

To overcome this StubbsGazette have developed a bespoke local CDD/KYC solution for Credit Unions in Ireland.

Our Local Knowledge Experts supplement your local experience to ensure that you have maximum visibility and coverage of PEPs and Special Interest People within your Common Bond.

In addition to our national and international PEP/AML/Sanctions Databases, our Local Knowledge Experts, research and reference local sources with up to date and accurate data which is then matched and screened against your members data to produce better quality results.



Here at StubbsGazette we have partnered with UK technology company Sagacity Solutions, one of only three accredited Eircode providers, to design an Eircode service for Irish businesses. We believe there is substantial value to businesses with large databases of customers in adding an Eircode to their customer files. Doing so prompts business decision makers through statistical messages that help improve planning and logistics.